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The Proposal
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Couples Tower Isle

We were attending a charity event with Chris and Lisa when the auction started. Chris and I had scoped out the items beforehand, and I instantly took note of the Snowmass stay. Being a snowboarder and hearing the reputation of how beautiful & amazing Snowmass was, I told Chris we had to win this. We were stepped away from the table for a minute to "get a drink" when I told Chris my master plan. Now, if you know me, I am not one to plan at all so this threw Chris for a loop but he was instantly on board. We ended up winning the trip and the planning had begun. Couple weeks passed & sure enough Chris and Lisa were expecting Jane so I knew they wouldn't be attending... but thankfully they stuck with me and helped me through every step. I honestly can't remember how many times I dragged Lisa to the jewelry store until we found the perfect ring. Fast forward to us arriving; the plan was to do it at the top of Elk Camp overlooking Maroon Bells during the snowfall. Well... she never made it to the top of the mountain, then again, I barely got her to go without her crying. I knew when we were going to Aspen that was going to be the place. Dinner happened & I don't think my hand ever left my pocket; after dinner we decided to walk around since it was getting dark. As soon as she recommended getting a picture taken in the walkway with the trees I knew this was the spot; I also thought it would be sneeky if she got to pick her own engagement spot without knowing it. From there I really don't remember much, just my knee being cold, some lady crying, and a group of guys cheering me on.. and of course a Yes.


TL:DR - Planned trip with friends, they got pregnant, stuck on a train with her for 26 hours, couldn't get her to the top of the mountain, let her pick out her own engagement scenery, got down one one knee (surprised my knee didn't freeze to the ground), and got a Yes


So Robby and I have been together for five years going on six.  So at the beginning of the year I gave Robby a deadline. I told him he had till December to give me a ring or I was kicking him out lol.  Lisa and I went looking at rings just for fun and I had picked out some that I liked.  Little did I know there was already a plan underway to propose in Colorado.  I still have no idea how he hid that ring from me for a couple days since I packed and unpacked our bags.  

We rode the bus to Aspen and spent the day shopping around. He let me pick the restaurant for dinner and we were the only ones there. We were walking out of dinner and I saw an aisle of trees that were lit up and snow was falling around us.  I told Robby this would be a great place for a picture. He took forever to find someone to take this picture for us.  Little did I know he was finding the right person to capture this special moment. As I am happily smiling for the picture I look over and Robby is getting down on one knee and asking me to be his wife. 


 I don't really remember what he all said something about how he loved our dogs and me.  I said yes as fast as I could.  Once I saw the ring I was in shock. It wasn't like anything I had picked out, yet it was perfect for me. From what my sister and Lisa tell me it was quite the process. After the proposal we face-timed my sister. I don't think we ever stopped smiling that night. I will never forget that day.